At Our Lady Help of Christians School, we implement School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS).
SWPBS is a framework that focuses on developing pro-social skills in our students. It is a proactive approach to teaching our students expected behaviours for their well-being and for the creation of a positive school culture.

We have developed three expected behaviours that we actively teach our students. They are referred to as the 3 B’s:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner

To support the teaching and learning of expected behaviours, we have a school matrix, which demonstrates how students are expected to behave in specific areas (classroom, toilets, corridors, playground, and during transitions.)  The matrix is on display in every classroom and learning space so staff and students have a visual reminder of the expectations.

SWPBS is based on the strong belief that behaviour can be taught. Our teachers incorporate weekly planned lessons for their students but also take advantage of incidental opportunities to educate the children and provide opportunities for them to develop pro-social behaviours.

Rewarding and encouraging positive and pro-social behaviour is a significant part of SWPBS.