OLHC News Issue 23 Term 3 Week 4 - 9th August 2024
Principal Report
School Mass
'Snow White' at Horsham Town Hall
Book Fair
Book Week 'Dress Up Day'
Website Updated
School Leadership- the SRC
Black Ranges Athletics
Child Safety
School TV
Important Upcoming Dates:
Mass Times & Parish Information
St Paul VI Parish Sacramental Preparation
Parish Bulletin
Calendar Dates
Our Lady Help of Christians is a Child Safe School and is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We acknowledge the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia, and Japagulk peoples as the traditional custodians of the land upon which our school was built.
Principal Report
Dear Parents and Friends of Our Lady's,
This week the Church celebrated the feast day of Australia's only Saint, Mary of the Cross Mackillop. There is much that we can find in Mary's life that speaks to our context today. Mary first taught in Portland, which is still a Catholic School in the Diocese of Ballarat. She was a pioneer, providing Catholic education for children across Victoria, South Australia and Queensland, especially for those in remote areas. The poor and the marginalised were at the heart of Mary's ministry and she is famously quoted as saying: "Never see a need without doing something about it."
What can we draw from Mary's example? I think we can be inspired by her life, her resilience in the face of persecution (even by her own Church) and her great love for education. We work here at Our Lady's for the children in this remote area, and are open to all families, Catholic or not. We have a great love for the poor and marginalised and want to ensure our school is a place where all people can find a welcoming environment for learning and growing. The other thing we can learn from Mary is that nothing is done in isolation. It did not take Mary long to build a strong community of dedicated nuns, called the Josephites. These Josephites met a need for schools, for teachers, and for faith formation all across our land, and supported the mission and vision of their great founder. We too do not work in isolation, relying upon strong connections with our community, with other schools, with the parish of St Paul VI and most importantly with the families who send their children to our school. The better we work together, the better the outcomes for our students.
The final point I'd like to raise is that Mary was a woman who prayed and prayed and prayed. When we follow her example and unite our good works with the help of God, we can be assured of success. St Mary of the Cross- Pray for us!
Chris McCumstie
School Mass
What a blessing it was to celebrate Sunday Mass with a good turn-out from the school families. Mons. Glynn preached about the importance of the Bread of Life, our relationship with Jesus. To celebrate Mass and remember the need we have for communion with God was a great reminder.
All the teachers and parents can be very proud of the participation of the students, with the older children reading beautifully, and the youngest children bringing forth the gifts admirably. We had spoken with the children about the virtue they needed to show at Mass- reverence. On Sunday, the children showed that virtue wonderfully, bowing to the altar, singing with songs, and joining in the responses.
Thanks to all the families who were able to support the school's participation in the parish Mass. Each week in our newsletter we link to the Parish Bulletin, for those who would like to see Mass times for Horsham and Murtoa. We will continue to hold these Masses once a term, inviting the school students and their families to contribute with readings and other ministries.
Thanks to Mons. Glynn and the parishioners for the warm welcome, morning tea, and conversation.
'Snow White' at Horsham Town Hall
Students and Staff attended 'Snow White' on Wednesday, 14th August 2024
Student comments ..............
Book Fair
Thanks...support genorosity purchasing books..........
$.... Commission to enable books for Library............
Book Week 'Dress Up Day'
Book Week this year runs from 17th - 23rd August.
On Friday, 23rd August, we will be having a 'Book Week Dress Up Day'
Students are invited to dress up as a character from a book and bring the book along for the parade at 9.00am............................. Parents are welcome to watch the parade in the Multi-Purpose Room at 9.00am........................
Father's Day Breakfast
Website Updated
The School’s Policy & Procedures webpage has been updated and I invite all to access the page, as it is here you will be able to access documents such as the OLHC Murtoa Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and the OLHC Murtoa Bullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying) Policy and Procedures. Parents can provide any feedback on these policies and may obtain hard copies of any policies and procedures upon request from the school office.
School Leadership- the SRC
We are so fortunate to have good school leaders at Our Lady's.
One role that is fulfilled by Hunter Stephenson is the President of the Junior School Council.
Hunter's role as the SRC President is to take ideas and projects from the student body and communicate them to teachers and the principal. Hunter is the voice of the students in the direction our school takes, and he has assisted the school with ideas to improve the grounds, as well as ideas for future fundraising and enjoyable events for the students.
The children are reminded often at assembly to take their ideas to Hunter so that student voices can be heard at Our Lady's and that our school can be a place where the whole community is valued and can flourish
Great job Hunter! Keep it up.
Black Ranges Athletics
Black Ranges Athletics will be held on Thursday, 5th September at Stawell.
Seven of our students have qualified to compete at the next level.
- Kaden - 200m and discus
- Eddie - Triple Jump
- Andre - Relay
- Nihal - Triple Jump and Relay
- Charlotte - 100m, Triple Jump and Relay
- Eimer - 200m, Triple Jump and Relay
- Kirat - 100m, 200m, Relay
Parents will be responsible for transporting their child to and from the Black Ranges Athletics and supervising them on the day.
Information will be emailed and a Permission Form will be available for consent on Simon.
Child Safety
Our Lady Help of Christians is a Child Safe School. We implement the 11 Child Safe Standards, and work to embed these in our school culture. Our newsletter is just one place among a number where we educate our community about Child Safety. Below is a concise and helpful guide to the Child Safe Standards. The Child Safety Officer at OLHC is Chris McCumstie, and he can be contacted for information at any time.
Child Safe Standard 3:
OLHC prioritises Child Safety, and informs children about the way they can be supported in staying safe. We regularly remind children about being safe, who they can speak to if they feel unsafe, and the importance of advocating for friends. We have a Child Safety Wall, with clear information about what to do if a child feels unsafe, and who our Child Safety Officer is (Chris McCumstie, the principal.)
School TV
The SchoolTV initiative at Our Lady Help of Christians School aims to help parents to navigate the often complex issues they face in raising their children.
Expert advice, helpful tips, and other resources, are available to all our parents and caregivers. Explore the wide range of topics at SchoolTV by clicking on the link below.
Important Upcoming Dates:
- 17th - 23rd August - Book Week
- Friday 23rd August - Book Week Dress Up day
- Friday 30th August - Father's Day Breakfast 8.00am
- Thursday 5th September Black Ranges Athletics Stawell
- Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 Early finish at 2.15pm
- Friday 4th October - Murtoa Show Day
- Monday 7th October - Term 4 starts
- Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd October - Year 3/4 Camp
- Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December - Year 5/6 Camp Melbourne
Mass Times & Parish Information
Sunday 18th August -Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church 8.30am
St Paul VI Parish Sacramental Preparation
~ First Holy Communion ~
Parents of those children who have celebrated their, First Reconciliation sacrament earlier this year will be notified by email in early June of an Information Session date, where resources for First Holy Communion preparation will be distributed. Initial guidance will be given at the Information Session along with the resources and two further meeting dates will follow, to complete the necessary requirements before the sacrament is received.
Celebration of First Holy Communion will occur in Sunday Masses on set dates across the parish, most
likely over August/September.
~ Confirmation ~
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place with a similar structure (home preparation
and consolidation discussions in different churches) on a slightly later date scale.
Confirmation will be celebrated with Bishop Paul attending/visiting the parish as part of our Diocese 150th Year jubilee. Currently that timing is set for November.
All parishioners are invited to keep these children and their families in our prayers over the coming
months. May the grace of God touch their hearts and souls with the privilege of sacramental life shared with our Risen Christ. May Christ, the Good Shepherd, lead their preparation.
Parish Bulletin
Calendar Dates
Please click on the link below to take you directly to our School Calendar.